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Moving house: two simple words that fill me with dread

How to pack for moving
The expert's guide to packing up a house. Video by Alistair Walsh.

I was once the master of the quick move. Fond memories of fleeing include absconding from a shared flat in a flash before midnight, with the aid of a girlfriend and her mum’s 4WD. We were fast and furious. Another time: removing the last of my belongings with one hand while unfriending the ex-housemates on Facebook with the other.

However, for the first time I can remember, I don’t want to go anywhere. When the real estate agent awarded me the keys to my rental three years ago (yes, it felt like I’d won a competition), little did he, or I, know, that I’d fall in love.

I quickly got used to the sounds of the nearby level crossing. I started to enjoy being woken by the sun bursting through my east-facing bedroom window. I’d glow with the light that came in.

Moving house isn't always easy, especially if you don't want to leave the property you've fallen in love with.Moving house isn’t always easy, especially if you don’t want to leave the property you’ve fallen in love with. Photo: Stocksy

I look out over my ‘hood through my first floor flat’s windows and feel satisfied. Like me, my neighbourhood, in Melbourne’s inner north, has had a growth spurt and settled down into something akin to an excited contentment. Everyone comes here now: for food truck food at Welcome to Thornbury and rocking gigs at The Croxton Bandroom.

I have many moments when I can’t believe how lucky I am to live here: when I’m skipping along the street to the local organic grocery store, hitting the bike path straight to the city, or chatting with my lovely neighbours. We share the care of cats, kids and vegie gardens.

Then I check my letterbox and there’s a letter from my real estate agent. My heart drops. I have a dream: it’s called the forgotten tenant. It happened for a while after I first moved in. I quietly paid my rent each month, then, after a year, my lease expired and I heard nothing. It was delightful. Months went by. Peace.

Everyone comes to Thornbury now.Everyone comes to Thornbury now. Photo: Wayne Taylor

But, with several things falling apart, I (foolishly?) asked for repairs. Suddenly, I was on the radar again. It started with emails, then the heart-dropping letters in my letterbox. Rent increases. New leases. I sucked them up. See, I can’t imagine living anywhere else. And I’m not sure I can afford to, now, either.

When I baulk at a proposed rent increase, the new property manager tells me that the market rate is $30-$40 per week more than what I’m paying. I scan the rentals on Domain. She’s exaggerating, but I realise that this place was really a stopgap in a moment of “need a place to live” urgency, and, if I’m going to move, I should probably take the opportunity to upscale. I’m using a communal laundry, for goodness’ sake!

When I think of “maybe moving” I focus on the positives: I can’t wait to use Man With A Van again. There’s a bit of excitement when I think of setting up a new house, too. My own washing machine! And, since living here, I’ve curated the most extraordinarily perfect collection of homewares. They’ll make any new home sparkle.

There are some positives of 'maybe moving': seeing Man with a Van again.There are some positives of ‘maybe moving’: seeing Man with a Van again. Photo: AP

But right now, when that registered post letter gets delivered, I’ll just pay. Soon, I’m sure of it, the perfect place will slip into my hands, like this one did. Until then, I’ll keep enjoying the awesome spot that I’ve got.

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